5 istaknutih predavačica i predavača i 1 aktivni moderator uz jednaku zastupljenost polova sa pažljivo izbalansiranim panelom stručnjaka
Walter Vena
Gratuated in Medical School @ Sapienza University of Rome with a thesis project on testosteorne replacement therapy and completed Endocrinology & Metabolism Disorders Residency @ Univerity of Milano with a thesis on Klinefelter Syndrome metabolic complications.
Now working Research Assistant @ Humanitas University and is focusing his research activity on male hypogonadism, testosterone replacement and consequences of hormonal deprivation.
Co-chair of the EYES committee and representative of Italian Andrology & Sexual Medicine Society (SIAMS) young branch (AndroYoung).
Juan Jimenez-Vacas
Juan Manuel Jiménez-Vacas, PhD in Biomedicine (2020), is a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR), London. He holds a BSc in Biology (2015), an MSc in Translational Biomedical Research (2016), and a PhD in Biomedicine (2020) from the Maimonides Institute for Biomedical Research (IMIBIC)/University of Córdoba, Spain, where he worked under the mentorship of Dr. Manuel Gahete and Prof. Raúl Luque.
Since October 2020, Juan has been working under the mentorship of Dr. Adam Sharp and Prof. Johann de Bono at ICR, focusing on identifying vulnerabilities associated with treatment resistance in hormone-driven tumours, particularly castration-resistant prostate cancer.
In April 2021, he was awarded the prestigious Prostate Cancer UK Travelling Prize Fellowship (£300,000), enabling a six-month research placement in Prof. Steven Balk’s laboratory at BIDMC/Harvard, Boston. Recently, he received a US Department of Defense grant ($300,000) to continue his research between ICR (London, UK) and Harvard (Boston, US).
Juan has significantly contributed to the field of endocrine-related cancers, with over 40 publications (original papers and reviews) and more than 70 presentations at national and international conferences. He has received 10 national and international research awards, including the European Society of Endocrinology (ESE) Young Investigator Award, and holds a patent.
In addition to his research, Juan is actively involved in leadership roles. He serves as a member of the ESE Science Committee, co-chair of the ESE Young Endocrinologists & Scientists (EYES) Committee, Editor of EYES News, and coordinator of the ESE Young Endocrinologists & Scientists (EYES) Research Observership Program.
Kl. Asist. dr Slađana Mihajlović
Bolnica za ginekologiju i akušerstvo, KBC Dragiša Mišović
Sesija VI 14.04.2024. – Trudnoća i disregulacija glukoze
Prof. dr Mojca Jensterle
Klinika za endokrinologiju, dijabetes i bolesti metabolizma
Univerzitetski medicinski centar Ljubljane
Sesija VI 14.04.2024. – Metabolički efekti GLP1RA u terapiji gojaznosti
Doc. dr Marija Maćešić
Odeljenje za metaboličke poremećaje, intenzivni tretman i ćelijsku terapiju u dijabetesu
Klinika za endokrinologiju, dijabetes i bolesti metabolizma
– Univerzitetski klinički centar Srbije
Sesija VI 14.04.2024. – Trudnoća i disregulacija glukoze
Kl. Asist. dr Slađana Mihajlović
Bolnica za ginekologiju i akušerstvo, KBC Dragiša Mišović
Sesija VI 14.04.2024. – Trudnoća i disregulacija glukoze